Because sight is such a valuable sense, it is important to be informed and know how to properly care for your eyes. Knowledge and routine eye exams will help preserve your eyes for life.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Wellness appointment
Your eyes should undergo a comprehensive exam at least once a year.
Prevent health issues
Sunglasses and glasses with 100% UV protection can help you reduce the chances of developing eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration.
Investigate symptoms
Eye problems are commonly the source of frequent headaches, and if this is one of your symptoms, consider an eye exam.
Proper cleaning
If contact solution is not available to clean your contact lenses, the oral swish is not an option. Bacteria and viruses from your mouth can quickly infect your eyes.
When doing yard work, carpentry, or mechanics; playing sports; or riding a motorcycle, wear plastic safety glasses. Endless hours in front of a computer screen also strain your eyes, so give them a “blinking break” by looking across the room, refocusing, blinking, and then resuming work..
Common eye conditions
From dry eyes to floaters to the strain of staring at a computer all day, there is a host of common eye conditions that itch, burn, or just irritate us.
Dry eye
Dry eye is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Dry eyes are usually the main reason people visit an eye doctor.
Eye floaters
Floaters are tiny cloudy spots in your vision caused by light hitting specs of tissue inside your eyes that then creating shadows. Floaters usually are not dangerous; if you experience a sudden increase in eye floaters, consider having your eyes examined as soon as possible.
Computer vision syndrome
Computer vision syndrome is the number 1 workplace complaint. There is no evidence that computer vision syndrome causes long-term damage to the eyes, but it can cause eyestrain and discomfort. Computer vision syndrome symptoms might include blurred vision, headaches, and dry and red eyes.